Interior, Exterior, Commercial and Residential painting contractor. You are sure to find what you are looking for in our complete list of Exterior Painting Services and Interior Painting Services. We have completed thousands of painting projects, many in your neighborhood, most likely for your neighbors. From preparation, priming, and painting, to carpentry repairs we are happy to meet with you, perform a professional evaluation, answer your questions and write up a proposal based on your home's unique needs. We'll provide you with a fixed price for the work and discuss payment/financing options before we leave! So, are you ready to get started? As for our top-notch crews - we only hire great people who've shown a commitment to their craft and a focus on customer care. Painting Homes & Businesses in Eastern CT The Most Trusted and Referred Painters in Bolton, Bozrah, Canterbury, Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Coventry, Deep River, Essex, East Haddam, East Hampton, East Lyme, Franklin, Gales Ferry, Glastonbury, Griswold, Groton, Haddam, Hebron, Killingworth, Lebanon, Ledyard, Lisbon, Lyme, Madison, Manchester, Marlborough, Montville, Mystic, New London, North Franklin, North Stonington, Norwich, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Pawcatuck, Portland, Preston, Salem, South Glastonbury, Sprague, Stonington, Uncasville, Voluntown, Waterford, Westbrook, and everywhere in between!