Leffingwell House Museum (Circa 1675) is one of the finest restored examples of New England Colonial architecture. We are open from April to October, on Saturday’s from 11 am to 4 pm. Visitors to this living museum catch a glimpse of early 18th century life. By the mid 18th century what was built as a simple two room house in 1675 had evolved into an elegant home. The house is filled with a fascinating assortment of pieces representative of its architectural evolution. The Society of the Founders of Norwich owns & operates the Leffingwell House Museum. By becoming a member of the society, you will be supporting the Leffingwell House Museum & helping preserve the history of Norwich. Membership year runs from June 1 through May 31 of the following year. Annual dues for the year are due on June 1st. We appreciate it when you save us follow-up postage by mailing your dues promptly. Fees are: Student $10 Senior (over 65) $15 Individual $20 Family $30 Sustaining $60 Patron $150 Corporate $200.