It’s that time of year again, it’s National Prevention Week from May 8th through May 12th! In partnership with numerous community organizations The Norwich Prevention Council is hosting an event every day of that week. These events were organized by Hannah Ornburn, the Drug Prevention Coordinator, so if you have any questions, or concerns, contact her at They are all open to the public and free! The events are planned as follows; ? -Monday, May 8th from 5-6pm: Gambling Awareness Training at Otis Library ? -Tuesday, May 9th starting at 5:30pm: Family Movie Night at Teachers’ Memorial GLOBAL Magnet Middle School ? -Wednesday, May 10th from 5-6pm: Narcan Training at Otis Library ? -Thursday, May 11th from 5-6:30pm: Hidden In Plain Sight Training at Mahan Elementary School ? -Friday, May 12th from 1-2pm: Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention at 75 Mohegan Rd. Feel free to view fliers or reach out to us for more information on our social media pages; @norwichpreventioncouncil on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok!