Little Learners is a child care center with locations in both Ledyard and Norwich. We serve children from ages 6 weeks to 12 years of age. Ledyard is open 6:30am-6:00pm and Norwich is open 7:00am-6:00pm. There is no better way to decide on a Children’s Center than a visit so call to schedule a site tour or stop by during normal business hours and we will take you and your child through our center and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Programs to include: Infant, Pre-Toddler; Toddler; Preschool; Before & After School
We believe that children should learn through their own discovery. Our classrooms are child centered and use hands on activities, discussion, and critical thinking to develop knowledge. Learning will be inquiry based allowing children to connect their learning to the real world. Activities will incorporate multiple intelligences through manipulative items, books, music, and more.
We acknowledge that all children learn differently and may need accommodations and modifications. A safe, nurturing, positive environment will be created through a commitment to continued education and a culture of open minded thinking that provides developmentally appropriate learning strategies and to respect all people who enter our facility. WHERE LITTLE MINDS COME TO GROW
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