In Deep South – Deep North: A Family’s Journey, Lottie B. Scott tells both the heartbreaking and triumphant tale of her maturation into adulthood against a racially-charged, impoverished, yet fiercely loving backdrop in Longtown, South Carolina. Scott traces her family history, peppered with familial violence and love alike.
Deep South, Deep North: An Intergenerational, Geographic Journey of Race and Gender with author Lottie B. Scott and also with Christine Hammond, Professor Emeritus of English, Three Rivers Community College. Featured on NBC Connecticut during Black History Month CLICK HERE ‘A Pioneer and a Trailblazer:' Conversation With a Founding Member of Norwich NAACP' BIOGRAPHY
I am an eighty-two year-old African American female, born and raised on a farm in Longtown, South Carolina. I moved to Norwich, Connecticut in 1957, where I raised my son and call it my home.
I have been involved in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties as a Leader and Advocate for fifty-five years in the City of Norwich and State of Connecticut. I worked for the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) for twenty-two years.
I currently serve as Vice Chair of the City of Norwich Ellis Walter Ruley Committee. Ellis Ruley was an African American Artist who was discovered and became nationally well known as “An Outsider Artist” in 1995. In addition, I serve on the City of Norwich Sachem Fund and Norwich Disabilities Committees.
I have been a Rotarian for over twenty years. I am a founding member, a past President and Life Member of the Norwich Branch NAACP and Norwich Arts Center. I am a Life Member of the Norwich Historical Society as well as serve on a special committee of the Otis Library Board of Directors, An Evening with an Author and a member of The Bulletin Diversity Committee.
In 2017, I was the recipient of the Willard M. McRae Community Diversity Award and a Writer’s Block Ink Humanitarian ACE Award. In 2014, I was honored by the Norwich Arts Center with the naming of the “Miss Lottie’s Jazz Café” their first Jazz Concert Series.
In addition, I have been the recipient and honoree of numerous awards including the first Lottie B. Scott Diversity Award, a NLNCNW Trailblazer Award, the NAACP Robertsine Duncan Youth Council Pioneer Award, the University of Connecticut Presidential Humanitarian Award, Connecticut State Conference NAACP Branch W. E. B. Dubois “Lifetime Achievement Award” and the Eastern Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Award.
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